5 Ways to Prep for Your Newborn Session | Newborn

As a mama, you can do all the things to prep for your newborn session, and still be thrown a curve ball. We recently had our newborn pictures taken for Baby Boy #3, and even I had a few bumps in the road. I even wore baby boy while I did my hair and makeup so I could be ready beforehand. Yes, you read that right! My favorite wrap saved the day! I thought I had a plan for swapping out our bedding, but nope it didn’t go as I had hoped.

But guess what it’s okay! I tried to stay calm and not stress about it. I knew it wasn’t something I could change, so I made do. I changed my vision, and it all worked out!

Mama, the more you stress, the more stressed your baby and family are too!

Here are 5 tips to prep for your newborn session:


Plan ahead. Go shopping and pick out your outfits beforehand. Make sure you try them on and lay them out to see how it all looks together. YOU are the most important one that day. Make sure you feel comfortable in whatever you choose to wear!


It is okay to ask for help. Have a friend or family member come over to hold your new little one or help with the big kids so you have time to get ready without feeling rushed. Take some pressure off yourself.


Iron all the things. Does your bedding need to have a wrinkle or two ironed out? This is really if you decide to put something new on. You see I was going to put a new duvet cover on and opened it up the day of. It had an orange string through the trim, and I realized if I was going to use it, it would need to be ironed. All that to say, you do NOT need to purchase new bedding for your newborn session we will be using it in our bedroom once I get a new one.


Make sure your baby is well fed. It is a good idea to feed your little one about 30 minutes before your session then allow mama to put her clothes on and finish any last minute touch ups.


Lastly, take a deep breath and relax. Yes, easier said than done. Your energy feeds to your baby and family. If you are relaxed, everyone else will be too.

I also shared 3 must haves for your newborn session. If you missed it, you can find the blog here.

If are interested in booking a newborn session, I am currently booking through early Fall, and I would love to chat with you! You can reach out to me here for booking information.

Mama, do you take time for yourself? | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography

As a mom of two, I am quickly learning what I need to recharge and be my best self for my family. Until November 2021, I worked outside the home in the corporate world, I feel like this allowed me to separate work and home, plus decompress on my drive to and from work.

We welcomed our second baby boy in January 2020, quickly followed by the pandemic hitting and a stay at home order in place beginning mid-March 2020. This left little room for “me” time. Between returning to my corporate job after maternity leave in April 2020, working from home, building my photography business plus being a wife and mama to my family, all my free time went to photography or spending time with the boys.


Thanks to Sabrina Gebhardt Photography’s Mastermind I took in the Fall of 2020, I am learning to create white space and listen to my body when it needs to rest. I try to set aside time each week to take care of myself whatever I need that week. Whether it be rest, a spa trip, a walk, etc. I am learning to say “yes” to something I need to recharge.

1) Set up time to get a manicure or pedicure: some weeks I just need to get pampered. I have my white space set aside and as the time approaches I allow myself to do what is best for me that week. Every few weeks, I like to take care of myself with a manicure and/or pedicure.

2) Rest: listen to your body! I have had weeks where my body was just telling me I need to rest. Lay down and have some quiet time with no distractions. This can be huge to help me recharge, and get my mind back on the right track.

3) Exercise: get your body moving! I try to workout in the mornings. This is when I am at my best and know I have uninterrupted time, but some days I just need a little bit of fresh air. Mama, it is okay to get out and take a little walk even if you have kiddos with you. Fresh air and sunshine is SO good for the soul.

4) Read: take time to read a book you have been putting off. Just the quiet in the midst of the crazy is good for us mama’s. Sit outside or in a favorite corner and take even just 15 minutes to read a chapter for yourself.

5) Grab lunch with a friend: some weeks our “me” time may mean catching up with a friend. But you know what, it is your choice! We all have those little things that get us going, fuel our soul and for some it is brunch, lunch or dinner with that girlfriend!

So today mama, find a little time to recharge. Take care of yourself. It will help you be a better wife and mama in the days to come!

3 Lifestyle Newborn session Must Haves | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


The new baby smells, little toes and baby coos that melt your Mama heart. It is in those earlier days that time passes way too quickly and you need to capture the littlest details of your precious newborn! I love entering a home a seeing the nursery all set up, hearing where some of your favorite pieces came from or how you picked your little one’s name! All of these little details help me as I begin to capture your new family and tell your story!

Newborn sessions can vary from 45 minutes to 2 + hours depending on how your baby is doing. Each individual newborn determines our session from start to finish, well unless there is an older sibling. If there is an older sibling, then we let them lead the session!


These are a few of my favorite newborn must haves which can help you prepare for your session before your little one arrives. This will give you as the Mama a little more peace of mind before your session!

  1. Simple Swaddle: Yes, I love to utilize just a simple white, blue, pink or swaddle with a small print to capture your newborn. This keeps your baby wrapped up tightly, which must prefer. Sometimes their sweet little arms, rolls or hands get out and this just adds to the perfect little newborn detail shots. Some of my favorite swaddles are Aiden and Anais, SpearmintLove or Little Unicorn

  2. White noise: Many times a walk into a clients home and ask about a sound machine. Yes, newborns are used to hearing some calming noises from the past 9 months. The white noise can help soothe them to sleep or just keep them content while we work through the session.

  3. A simple onesie, bows or hats: Simple, small bows for baby girls are perfect to put on during our session. This can add just that touch of pink to the session gallery. I also tend to lean towards swaddles, but if you have that perfect coming home outfit or onesie you want to use we can always utilize those special details during our session!

3 small tips to help you prepare for your lifestyle newborn session! And if you are ready to book your newborn session before it’s too late, please reach out to me and let’s get you on my calendar!