Motherhood. The Why behind my business | Personal

I took a big leap in November of 2020, to go full time with photography and take a step away from the corporate world. One of my goals when doing this was to have more time to be mama to our two boys. Though launching a full time photography business is a big task in and of itself, I took 2021 to settle in as a full time photographer. I launched my Heirloom Portraits and worked to adjust my weekly and monthly schedule to see what worked best for our family.

As I began dreaming of 2022 and what aspects of my business worked in 2021, one of my biggest goals was to take more time for our family and be intentional with our boys during the week. As we enter April, my hope is to focus on our boys on Monday and Friday when they are home, and spend Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on business specific tasks.

Our oldest begins Kindergarten in the Fall (cue all the mama tears) and I want to be present, make memories and be the mama I need to be. I mean I dreamed of the days I could do photography full time and be at home to chase these two little guys. Now is the time for me to cherish these days at home crazy as they can be, they don’t last long.

I may be slower to respond, but my hope is to focus on my clients and my business on the days the boys are in Mother’s Day Out. Scheduling will be a little more limited, and I will only be shooting one (maybe two) weekends a month. I will be scheduling sessions two days during the week, and have set business hours for emails, editing and all the behind the scenes things. Much of this is already in place, so you may not see much change from the outside.

If you are interested in booking a session, please reach out to me early to make sure your date is available, especially if you are hoping for a weekend option! You can contact me here for booking information.

Thank you for your patience as I work to balance this business and being mama!

Can I get family pictures at my newborn session? | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


Many times when I get inquiries mama asks if they can get family pictures at the newborn session too.

The answer is, YES! I am not there just to take pictures of your sweet newborn (though I may spend extra time doing this especially if they are sleepy and content!) I want to capture your full family, pets included at your session! This is about your growing family.

While I always make sure to get all the details of your sweet new babe, I grab a variety of pictures to make sure you can look back and remember these first few days or weeks with your baby.

Mama and BaBY

Mama, we capture you and your little one! These are some of my favorites. I want to capture you in your element. Snuggling your baby in the nursery or rocker. Admiring your new little one as you hold him or her. The things you do on the every day, and place you will spend so much time in the first months and year of their life. And not to worry, if you have older children, we capture you with all your littles!

Daddy and Baby

Daddy and his sweet baby girl or boy! It is always fun to watch how dad’s adjust to these tiny newborns. I love capturing the details of their little heads in dad’s hands or cuddled up on daddy’s chest. Many times dad’s are the ones that can calm the baby down. I also want capture daddy with all his kiddos!


Yes, you may have more than one child, but these pictures of you and your baby are priceless. I want your little one to look back and see themselves with just mom and dad.


Family pictures can be fun, candid and of course we try to get one posed looking at the camera. If you have older children, they determine how these family pictures go. Whether it be on the floor, standing, on a bed or around the crib. We will snap them wherever it works best!


No matter the age gap, siblings need a picture or two together! Sometimes we lay on the floor or big sibling holds the baby, other times we have to pull out all the tricks. Getting big brother or sister peeking in the crib looking for a ball, gummy or goldfish. You name it and I will work my magic!

Baby + All the details

Yes, I capture your baby in their crib, on a rug or piece of furniture. I want to make sure you get all the itty bitty details of your baby. I personally love their eyes open. We get to see them change over the first year, but sleeping is good too. I know so many mama’s want those sweet sleepy newborn pictures! I capture their little details from face and mouth to those precious little feet!

Nursery details

Lastly, we can’t forget all the details of your nursery! You dreamed of this space and planned out all the details. Some even include bits and pieces from your very one childhood. I love capturing all the details of the nursery during a break or at the end of our session.

Interested in more information about newborn sessions? I would love to send you more details, fill out my form here! I can’t wait to chat with you!

How to Choose Your Newborn Photographer | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography

Congratulations! You recently found out you are pregnant! I know how exciting it is, and the joy that comes when you receive that positive pregnancy test! It can be a time full of so many emotions.

Joy. Anxiousness. Overwhelming.

Who do you tell first? When do you tell someone? All the “what ifs” that come in that first trimester. Believe me when I say, I have been there mama!

As an expecting mom, not only are you trying to wrap your arms around ALL. THE. THINGS. You are also trying to decide who will do your newborn photographs. When do you want them? Do you want maternity pictures? Milestones? The list goes on.


When choosing your newborn photographer there are several things to think about. First, what type of session are you wanting?

Lifestyle vs. Posed

There are two very distinct types of sessions: Lifestyle and Posed. A lifestyle photographer typically shoots in your home and incorporates elements of your home, creating a relaxed session. I am very much a lifestyle photographer. I come to you and you stay in the comfort of your home. While a posed session, typically takes place in a studio with props and other elements that the photographer may provide.

Reviews and Testimonials

You always want to look for review and testimonials on a photographer’s website. Hearing just a bit about someone else’s experience with a photographer can help you determine if that specific photographer would be a good fit for you and your family.


What type of experience does a photographer have? Do they specialize in newborn photography? You want to know how long a photographer has been doing sessions, how experienced they may be, and if they have had any sort of “training”.



Always look through a photographer’s portfolio. Take time to review their online galleries, maybe even read through some blogs they have posted of recent work. And did you know Instagram is a quick way to see a snip-it of a portfolio? Photographer’s usually have highlight reels that capture a variety of images from a session. Make sure to understand how a photographer captures a newborn session. Do you feel it is what you envision for your session?

Investment and Offerings

I know prices can range all over the board. Experienced photographer’s want to provide just that, an experience for their clients, while providing high quality images and products. You want to make sure what the investment includes. Is it just the session fee? Does it include digital images? Products? Ask the questions up front to make sure you know what the investment includes.

Remember: Quality photography is an investment.

These are images you will hold on to, look back through, and pass down to your children. You want to want invest in a photographer that is a good fit for you while providing high quality images for your family!